Friday, September 21, 2012

Healthy Growing Baby!!!

We went in for our growth scan today and Baby Girl is doing great! She is growing and the placenta is doing its job pumping all the good stuff to her! She will probably be a little bit smaller than my first one, but she is healthy and growing! I am so happy and relieved and will sleep so much better tonight knowing that she is growing and healthy in my tummy!  Our scheduled c-section for this little one is on October 1st - unless she wants to come out and get some snuggles early! I was hoping she would miraculously flip to head-down on her own, but she is really stuck in the breech position. The ultrasound tech said that the baby's but is stuck down really low into my pelvis! Many babies come out with a cone-head - mine may come out with a super ghetto booty or a cone-butt! ha ha!

So we have about nine more days until we get to meet this little girl and I am getting excited! Soon you will be reading crazy ramblings of a super tired mommy on this blog! 

I can't wait to hold my little one and snuggle her - that is the thing I look most forward to. This pregnancy has been tough and it will be so amazing to finally see her and how beautiful and healthy she is. The next will be when Emily comes to meet her little sister! Its going to be so cool! Emily is going to be the best and bossiest big sister this side of the Mississippi! She already tries to boss our dog around with no success! Now she will have an actual human under her control! She tells me every day about how she is going to teach her baby sister to ride bikes and play base ball.  I have been preparing her for the reality that the baby will not be doing much for a while besides eating, sleeping, pooping, crying, and maybe a smile here or there.  

One last thought before I go to sleep - I haven't told Emily anything about breast feeding yet. I don't know how to explain it ahead of time, she will just have to see it. I feel like we have a lot of funny discussions in our immediate future! I will try to hide the breast pump for as long as possible though! That could traumatize an adult! For you first time moms out there, that pump is going to turn your nipples into a national geographic special! They will look like cow utters for about 10 - 20 minutes after you pump! It will be disturbing to you even after you do it a hundred times! The actual breast feeding really isn't bad at all! Its nice, calming and you get to snuggle your little soft newborn! Its a pleasant experience for the most part! Its the pumping that will be discouraging! But remember ladies - pumping is your ticket to freedom! Think of it as a milk bank! You make a couple of bottles - you just bought yourself a trip to get a pedicure or go to the mall all by yourself... You make several bottles - you just bought you and your hubby a date night out to see a movie! Pumping is a necessary evil for independent women who need to have "Me" time and who have to go back to work when their babies are still breast feeding! I just can't imagine what Emily will be telling all of her friends at pre-school once she sees how babies really get milk! While it is one of the most natural things in the world, to Emily, it will be quite an interesting spectacle! I just hope she doesn't ask to try it too!!! 

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