Thursday, September 20, 2012

To Grow or Not to Grow... that is the question

I have been a bad blogger-mommy this week! It has been a weird week! Monday was my last day of work and I have been off for some pre-baby doctor ordered R&R! I have been finally able to relax and rest now that I am not at work and my long-term substitute teacher has taken over my job and is doing fine!

Tuesday was our Non Stress Test (NST)... This is basically just a baby monitoring session in which they place a heartbeat monitor on your belly to monitor the baby's heart beat for 20 minutes to an hour. My Baby Girl's heart rate is wonderful! After the NST, we talked to the Doc for a while and she answered all of my neurotic questions and put me at ease. She said that her heart rate is great and that means she is getting plenty of oxygen to her brain and body. There could still be a problem with the placenta or cord if she hasn't grown any, but we will find that out tomorrow and if she isn't growing, we will get her out of there and get her growing out of the womb! I am closely monitoring her movements at home and if she doesn't move enough, obviously I have to go to the hospital immediately! She has been a good little mover for me all week! 

Tomorrow afternoon is the ultra sound that determines if she has grown at all in one week. The Doc will also check the blood flow from the placenta to baby via Doppler at this time (some sort of ultrasound device that detects blood flow).  If she hasn't grown at all or if he sees anything concerning, we may have a little baby tomorrow night or possibly Monday. If she is growing and thriving in there, they will keep monitoring her via NST every few days until our planned c-section on October 1st (she is breech). It is entirely possible that she is just going to be a smaller baby. That does happen! It just seams so odd for that to happen in either of our families! 

She has been doing some pretty big movements in there! I think she might be trying to flip herself to the correct position, and the poor little thing is stuck! She always ends up with her head back under my right rib! I wish I could help her move! 

I don't know if anyone actually reads my blog, besides EB, but if you do, think positive growing baby thoughts for me tomorrow!!! 

Sorry I am not very witty or entertaining today. I am just a sleepy pregnant girl who is worried about her little baby! 

R & R:  I will say that I think every pregnant woman deserves to rest for a couple of weeks before their baby is due if they can afford it! Even with the worry about my baby, it has been very nice and relaxing to be home and resting and keeping the stress of work out of my brain for a little while! I feel like I am healthier and in a better mental state and ready for this baby! I also get to spend some extra alone time with my 3-year-old before the baby comes and that has been nice too! We made cupcakes today and that was fun - except for when Emily just couldn't wait for them to cool any longer and started picking little pieces off of the cupcakes and eating them while I wasn't looking. She mutilated three cupcakes before I noticed what she was doing! That kids loves cupcakes!

My idea of working until the end was a bad one and I am glad that the Doc said I needed to slow down and be resting! You have to love a doctors note that requires you to rest! If you have a stressful, on your feet all day, non-stop kind of job, its just really hard to keep going at the end without wearing yourself out! Having another kid (or kids) already really magnifies the stress and exhaustion by ten or more! Take care of yourselves ladies! That is my advice for today! In the long run, its better for you to get some rest and not be stressed. Save up that energy for child birth and all those sleepless nights to come!  Soon enough your life will be on a strange time schedule full of boobie feeding, trying to remember whether you left off on your left or right boob, getting baby poo all over yourself, forgetting to shower for days on end, and trying to figure out how to safely bathe your slippery little newborn without dropping her. Being a new mommy is a wonderful thing, but it takes a lot out of you, so you may as well start off with a full tank right? Right!!! 

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